Working for startups in my career has been CHAOTIC, to say the least but I have to say there has been alot of added benefits. One thing that working at Startups has taught me is becoming adaptable And I mean ADAPTABLE, in damn near everything. Don’t know how to write that report? Figure it out. Don’t know what international regulations are around data privacy? Look it up buttercup. Look, I know I rambling here but the idea is that you need to flexible and mailable FAST. I’ve found that I can’t just simply look things up – I have to do my due diligence to either connect with those who DO and learn how to get the information I need.
Now you may be asking, why the hell would you continue working for a Startup then sis? It sounds unsustainable and a fast track way to getting burned out. WELL, let me tell you about the added benefits.
-Career growth – Great way to learn fast on a job and level up quickly ( financially too)
-Financial benefits – Did I mention there’s financial benefits? Specifically on equity. Cash is NOT always king and you’ll come to realize equity is the a really large way folks obtain financial stability or even freedom.
– You can mess – Sometimes. But it’s a great way to soak up knowledge and expand your skillsets rapidly and with less consequences compared to your standard 9-5
– Lastly, flexibility. Yes I know I mentioned this above BUT here me out. You can be flexible, and in this economy where the fully remote work is dwindling I say its super important to have that flexibility – especially as a budding professional